Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Something is rotten in Denmark

The article in the CCCT (in the Local/Texas section) titled "Money went to local GI Forum"; the related link “GI Forum Transactions” lists numerous financial transactions but after some investigation, Kenedeno & Associates finds there are discrepancies. Specific questions reverberate from those who ARE "In The Know".

Mr Chavez,

In year 2004, a state convention was held. According to the “checks and withdrawals” listed $17,906.77 was spent, yet the convention was a function that raised money. There was an admission/membership fee that was charged but is not computed. Will you please show us the "work"? Like in Algebra a math student must show his or her "work" and not just the final answer; not just magically appeared?

Where is the money from the “Golf Tournament” sponsored by Fil Vela and Rene Rodriguez? Again, will you please show us the "work"?

Where is the Western Union money?

Where is the Citgo money?

Where is the money from the GI Forum convention 2004?

Will you please show us the "work"?

These are just to name a few. Perhaps Mr. Ram Chavez will give us the full financial disclosure soon, since, there is an accounting already done by an independent CPA?

This independent accounting firm Swank & Salch is credited with the figures yet I see nothing affirming this except the Caller's noted credibility.

So WATT happened to the old guy who was gonna do it for a $1000? The CPA who worked for Dr Hector?

And why did Juan Garcia step down from the National Archives Board of Directors?

And why ain't the damn grass mowed?

Yes I know the Archives are separate from the Chapters but the lack of Unity is indicative of the root of the problems. All of them.

I submit a letter from Peter Vallecillo. In this letter one will realize the multiple violations that occurred because two men (Willy Davila & Martin Barrios) practiced due diligence and demanded accountability.

Oh I almost forgot! Watt bank pays 33 cents for the year 2004 when there was money in the bank? And when there is less in 2005 the bank pays 67 cents?

“Something smells rotten in Denmark”

This investigative article was researched, compiled and written by dannoynted1 & Jaime Kenedeno. If YOU want to Contribute to our team efforts, have a tip or you need the ENGAGEMENT & INTERACTIVE ; Kenedeno & Associates respectfully brings the Intangible to YOU. It is up to you to do your homework.

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